The Dinghy Cruising Association website has been around for a good many years now. This picture has been our main heading banner since it was first launched! Likewise our domain name has been dinghycruising.org.uk from the start.
Our expanding membership and the enthusiasm for dinghy cruising that is being shown in places far from the original heartland of the DCA, has led us to consider a name change. We thought of just dropping .uk and staying with the tried and tested .org but then we discovered .life. What could be better than that! It is fresh, arresting and will enhance our public image, with possibly an immediate appeal to the young. Above all else, it suggests that dinghy cruising is a way of life and not just an idle pastime.
So we have launched the website with this new address dinghycruising.life. We hope the old name will always redirect to the new one but there may be teething problems in certain browsers. Please update your bookmarks and let the Website Editor know if you experience any significant problems or discover broken links.